Virtual humans are a tricky proposition -- they aren’t human, but they aren’t entirely machine. We all thought that the Terminator was just a cold hunk of metal, but then he gave us that thumbs up while descended into molten steel, and became something more.

To be serious though (as painful as that process tends to be) the treatment of the adult entertainers, whose bodies and identities we used to bring our virtual playmates to life demands some thought. The prospect of launching a virtual human experience brought up some important questions, and we took the time to answer them internally. We thought it might be helpful to make this post and expose the ethos that drives Holodexxx.

First, we’d like to admit that the following statements may prove to be sophomoric. We don’t profess to be thought leaders on this subject, and any guidance that comes our way will always be accepted with an open mind. We really do think about the possible ramifications of what we create; their effects on us, the Users, and everyone attached to Holodexxx. The technology that powers virtual humans has been, and will continue to change rapidly, and so to will our ethical boundaries. So here is our ethos, when it comes to the current state of virtual humans.

Holodexxx will treat virtual humans with the same level of respect as their human counterparts.

This is a widely encompassing, and simple statement, and acts as a catch-all for the moral questions we are posed with every day. Would the real-life adult entertainer accept the behavior we are asking our virtual humans to accept? This statement is an easy litmus test and answers most of our questions. That statement makes one thing obvious -- virtual humans are not to be abused.

We have set some hard lines that we will not allow anyone to cross when it comes to the treatment of virtual humans. We feel that we have an ethical obligation to respect the entertainers we have scanned, and protect the spirit of our experience. Holodexxx is a place of unbridled sexual freedom, not physical aggression. Our aim is for our User to feel like our virtual avatars are their equals, and to respect them as such. We won’t allow a User to act out fantasies that could be potentially damaging to them, and frankly, we wouldn’t want to be associated with a project that does.

What does this mean in practice?

Holodexxx will never facilitate physical violence.  

We understand that dominance has its rightful place in sexual experiences, and we allow space for that aspect of sexuality whenever possible. Obvious red lines include punching avatars, and beating avatars with props. Limiting the realism of experience is never something we relish doing, but in a few cases, we feel it to be a necessity. Spanking? Cool. Punching? Not so much.

We will never script in hooks for obvious verbal abuse within our Chatbots. Verbal insults won’t garner a reaction and will go completely unnoticed. Compliments are always appreciated, and our virtual entertainers will most likely return them. Being nice is sexy.

Holodexxx will not broach political, taboo or illegal subject matter.

Virtual humans say what we script them to say, and in essence, believe what we believe. We will not introduce political, religious, or social opinions into our virtual human storylines. We realize that Players of all colors and stripes will be playing in Holodexxx, and we aim to present a judgment-free experience for all.  To be frank; incest, rape, and Lolita story-lines don’t appeal to us as creators. We think there are millions of stories yet untold that will excite you, and we are stoked to deliver on those new experiences. We aim to discover new spaces of eroticism. Our stance on this issue is both a personal decision and seeks to respect the boundaries set by the real people our virtual humans represent. Speaking of real people ...

Holodexxx will compensate adult stars for their virtual work

Our playmates might be virtual in nature, but they represent human beings who pay rent and have expensive phone bills. We believe that real life models deserve continuous benefit for being involved with Holodexxx. We have been developing a plan of appreciation for our models that goes beyond the initial payment for their body scans, and look forward to rolling that out when capable.

We expect to encounter more questions as Holodexxx comes to life, but we hope these guiding lights keep this an experience one that we can all be proud of creating. We want Holodexxx to be sexy as hell while respecting the boundaries of those that have helped create it. We think that Holodexxx can do both.

Well that was fun! 

Thank ya for your support, and see you in Discord!